/* Script to show data flowing from Interception */ #SingleInstance force #Persistent #include Lib\AutoHotInterception.ahk OutputDebug DBGVIEWCLEAR global DeviceList := {} filterMouseMove := 1 ;~ global Monitor := AutoHotInterception_Init("InterceptionMonitor") MonitorWrapper := new AutoHotInterception("Monitor") global Monitor := MonitorWrapper.Instance DeviceList := MonitorWrapper.GetDeviceList() start := 0 colWidth := 350 Gui, Add, Text, w%colWidth% Center Section, Keyboards Loop 2 { isMouse := A_Index - 1 Loop 10 { i := start + A_Index dev := DeviceList[i] if (!IsObject(dev)){ continue } Gui, Add, Checkbox, % "hwndhCb w" colWidth, % "ID: " dev.id ", VID: 0x" FormatHex(dev.VID) ", PID: 0x" FormatHex(dev.PID) "`nHandle: " dev.Handle fn := Func("CheckboxChanged").Bind(dev.id) GuiControl, +g, % hCb, % fn } if (!IsMouse){ Gui, Add, Text, x+5 ym w%colWidth% Center Section, Mice start := 10 } } Gui, Add, CheckBox, w%colWidth% y+20 hwndhCbFilterMove Checked, Filter Movement (Warning: Turning off can cause crashes) fn := Func("FilterMove") GuiControl, +g, % hCbFilterMove, % fn Gui, Add, Button, xm w%colWidth% Center gClearKeyboard, Clear Gui, Add, Button, x+5 yp w%colWidth% gClearMouse Center, Clear Gui, Add, ListView, xm w%colWidth% h400 hwndhLvKeyboard, ID|State|Code|Info Gui, Add, ListView, x+5 yp w%colWidth% h400 hwndhLvMouse, ID|State|Flags|Rolling|X|Y|Info LV_ModifyCol(5, 50) LV_ModifyCol(6, 50) Gui, Show Monitor.Subscribe(Func("KeyboardEvent"), Func("MouseEvent")) return CheckboxChanged(id, hwnd){ GuiControlGet, state, , % hwnd ret := Monitor.SetDeviceFilterState(id, state) ;~ ToolTip % "Changed " id " to " state ". Return value: " ret } FilterMove(hwnd){ global filterMouseMove GuiControlGet, state, , % hwnd filterMouseMove := state } ClearKeyboard: Gui, ListView, % hLvKeyboard LV_Delete() return ClearMouse: Gui, ListView, % hLvMouse LV_Delete() return FormatHex(num){ return Format("{:04X}", num) } KeyboardEvent(id, state, code, info){ global hLvKeyboard Gui, ListView, % hLvKeyboard row := LV_Add(, id, state, code, info) LV_Modify(row, "Vis") ;~ ToolTip % "Keybd: " id "`nState: " state ", Code: " code } MouseEvent(id, state, flags, rolling, x, y, info){ global hLvMouse, filterMouseMove if (filterMouseMove && !state) return Gui, ListView, % hLvMouse row := LV_Add(, id, state, flags, rolling, x, y, info) LV_Modify(row, "Vis") ;~ ToolTip % "Mouse: " id "`nX: " x ", Y: " y } ^Esc:: GuiClose: ExitApp