Remove unused code

Clive Galway 2 years ago
parent 2f6f935b5f
commit aa1f81f5b6

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ namespace AutoHotInterception.DeviceHandlers
// ScanCode notes:
public override void ProcessStroke(ManagedWrapper.Stroke stroke)
//ManagedWrapper.Send(DeviceContext, _deviceId, ref stroke, 1);

@ -20,33 +20,6 @@ namespace AutoHotInterception
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<int, IDeviceHandler> DeviceHandlers = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, IDeviceHandler>();
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<int, ConcurrentDictionary<ushort, MappingOptions>> KeyboardKeyMappings =
new ConcurrentDictionary<int, ConcurrentDictionary<ushort, MappingOptions>>();
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<int, MappingOptions> KeyboardMappings =
new ConcurrentDictionary<int, MappingOptions>();
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<int, ConcurrentDictionary<ushort, MappingOptions>> MouseButtonMappings =
new ConcurrentDictionary<int, ConcurrentDictionary<ushort, MappingOptions>>();
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<int, MappingOptions> MouseButtonsMappings =
new ConcurrentDictionary<int, MappingOptions>();
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<int, MappingOptions> MouseMoveAbsoluteMappings =
new ConcurrentDictionary<int, MappingOptions>();
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<int, MappingOptions> MouseMoveRelativeMappings =
new ConcurrentDictionary<int, MappingOptions>();
// If an event is subscribed to with concurrent set to false then use a single worker thread to process each event.
// Makes sure the events are handled synchronously and with a FIFO order.
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<int, ConcurrentDictionary<ushort, WorkerThread>> WorkerThreads =
new ConcurrentDictionary<int, ConcurrentDictionary<ushort, WorkerThread>>();
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<int, WorkerThread> DeviceWorkerThreads =
new ConcurrentDictionary<int, WorkerThread>();
private static bool _absoluteMode00Reported;
private static bool _pollThreadRunning;
private CancellationTokenSource _cancellationToken;
@ -550,7 +523,6 @@ namespace AutoHotInterception
/// <returns></returns>
private static int IsMonitoredDevice(int device)
//return Convert.ToInt32(FilteredDevices.ContainsKey(device));
return DeviceHandlers[device].IsFiltered();
@ -560,27 +532,6 @@ namespace AutoHotInterception
state ? ManagedWrapper.Filter.All : ManagedWrapper.Filter.None);
private void SetDeviceFilterState(int device, bool state)
//if (state && !FilteredDevices.ContainsKey(device))
// FilteredDevices[device] = true;
//else if (!state && FilteredDevices.ContainsKey(device))
// FilteredDevices.TryRemove(device, out _);
private bool DeviceHasBindings(int id)
if (id < 11)
return KeyboardKeyMappings.ContainsKey(id);
return MouseButtonMappings.ContainsKey(id)
|| MouseMoveRelativeMappings.ContainsKey(id)
|| MouseMoveAbsoluteMappings.ContainsKey(id);
// ScanCode notes:
private static void PollThread(object obj)
var token = (CancellationToken)obj;
@ -596,231 +547,6 @@ namespace AutoHotInterception
while (ManagedWrapper.Receive(DeviceContext, i = ManagedWrapper.WaitWithTimeout(DeviceContext, 10), ref stroke, 1) > 0)
if (false)
if (i < 11)
// Mice
var hasSubscription = false;
var hasContext = ContextCallbacks.ContainsKey(i);
var moveRemoved = false;
var hasMove = false;
var x = stroke.mouse.x;
var y = stroke.mouse.y;
//Debug.WriteLine($"AHK| Stroke Seen. State = {stroke.mouse.state}, Flags = {stroke.mouse.flags}, x={x}, y={y}");
// Process mouse movement
var isAbsolute = (stroke.mouse.flags & (ushort)ManagedWrapper.MouseFlag.MouseMoveAbsolute) ==
//Determine whether or not to report mouse movement.
// For Relative mode, this is fairly simple - if x and y are both 0, no movement was reported (Since a real mouse never reports x=0/y=0)
// For Absolute mode, x=0/y=0 is reported, but we should limit this to only reporting once...
// ... so when x=0/y=0 is seen in absolute mode, set the flag _absoluteMode00Reported to true and allow it to be reported...
// then on subsequent reports of x=0/y=0 for absolute mode, if _absoluteMode00Reported is already true, then do not report movement...
// ... In absolute mode, when x!=0/y!=0 is received, clear the _absoluteMode00Reported flag
if (isAbsolute)
if (x == 0 && y == 0)
if (!_absoluteMode00Reported)
hasMove = true;
_absoluteMode00Reported = true;
hasMove = false;
hasMove = true;
_absoluteMode00Reported = false;
hasMove = (x != 0 || y != 0);
if (hasMove)
// Process Absolute Mouse Move
if (isAbsolute)
if (MouseMoveAbsoluteMappings.ContainsKey(i))
var mapping = MouseMoveAbsoluteMappings[i];
hasSubscription = true;
//var debugStr = $"AHK| Mouse stroke has absolute move of {x}, {y}...";
if (mapping.Concurrent)
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(threadProc => mapping.Callback(x, y));
else if (WorkerThreads.ContainsKey(i) && WorkerThreads[i].ContainsKey(7))
WorkerThreads[i][7]?.Actions.Add(() => mapping.Callback(x, y));
if (mapping.Block)
moveRemoved = true;
stroke.mouse.x = 0;
stroke.mouse.y = 0;
//debugStr += "Blocking";
//debugStr += "Not Blocking";
// Process Relative Mouse Move
//else if ((stroke.mouse.flags & (ushort) ManagedWrapper.MouseFlag.MouseMoveRelative) == (ushort) ManagedWrapper.MouseFlag.MouseMoveRelative) / flag is 0, so always true!
if (MouseMoveRelativeMappings.ContainsKey(i))
var mapping = MouseMoveRelativeMappings[i];
hasSubscription = true;
//var debugStr = $"AHK| Mouse stroke has relative move of {x}, {y}...";
if (mapping.Concurrent)
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(threadProc => mapping.Callback(x, y));
else if (WorkerThreads.ContainsKey(i) && WorkerThreads[i].ContainsKey(8))
WorkerThreads[i][8]?.Actions.Add(() => mapping.Callback(x, y));
if (mapping.Block)
moveRemoved = true;
stroke.mouse.x = 0;
stroke.mouse.y = 0;
//debugStr += "Blocking";
//debugStr += "Not Blocking";
var isMouseButtonsMapping = MouseButtonsMappings.ContainsKey(i);
// Process Mouse Buttons - do this AFTER mouse movement, so that absolute mode has coordinates available at the point that the button callback is fired
if (stroke.mouse.state != 0 && MouseButtonMappings.ContainsKey(i) || isMouseButtonsMapping)
var btnStates = HelperFunctions.MouseStrokeToButtonStates(stroke);
foreach (var btnState in btnStates)
if (!isMouseButtonsMapping && !MouseButtonMappings[i].ContainsKey(btnState.Button))
hasSubscription = true;
MappingOptions mapping = null;
if (isMouseButtonsMapping)
mapping = MouseButtonsMappings[i];
mapping = MouseButtonMappings[i][btnState.Button];
var state = btnState;
if (mapping.Concurrent)
if (isMouseButtonsMapping)
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(threadProc =>
mapping.Callback(btnState.Button, state.State));
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(threadProc => mapping.Callback(state.State));
if (isMouseButtonsMapping)
.Add(() => mapping.Callback(btnState.Button, state.State));
.Add(() => mapping.Callback(state.State));
if (mapping.Block)
// Remove the event for this button from the stroke, leaving other button events intact
stroke.mouse.state -= btnState.Flag;
// If we are removing a mouse wheel event, then set rolling to 0 if no mouse wheel event left
if (btnState.Flag == 0x400 || btnState.Flag == 0x800)
if ((stroke.mouse.state & 0x400) != 0x400 &&
(stroke.mouse.state & 0x800) != 0x800)
//Debug.WriteLine("AHK| Removing rolling flag from stroke");
stroke.mouse.rolling = 0;
//Debug.WriteLine($"AHK| Removing flag {btnState.Flag} from stoke, leaving state {stroke.mouse.state}");
//Debug.WriteLine($"AHK| Leaving flag {btnState.Flag} in stroke");
// Forward on the stroke if required
if (hasSubscription)
// Subscription mode
// If the stroke has a move that was not removed, OR it has remaining button events, then forward on the stroke
if ((hasMove && !moveRemoved) || stroke.mouse.state != 0)
//Debug.WriteLine($"AHK| Sending stroke. State = {stroke.mouse.state}. hasMove={hasMove}, moveRemoved={moveRemoved}");
ManagedWrapper.Send(DeviceContext, i, ref stroke, 1);
// Everything removed from stroke, do not forward
//Debug.WriteLine("AHK| Mouse stroke now empty, not forwarding");
else if (hasContext)
// Context Mode - forward stroke with context wrapping
ManagedWrapper.Send(DeviceContext, i, ref stroke, 1);
// No subscription or context mode - forward on
//Debug.WriteLine($"AHK| Sending stroke. State = {stroke.mouse.state}. hasMove={hasMove}, moveRemoved={moveRemoved}");
ManagedWrapper.Send(DeviceContext, i, ref stroke, 1);
//Debug.WriteLine($"AHK| ");
_pollThreadRunning = false;
