Fix layout, remove super-globals

Clive Galway 5 years ago
parent c0ec0b6d98
commit 583db43dc4

@ -7,47 +7,56 @@ Script to show data flowing from Interception
global DeviceList := {}
DeviceList := {}
filterMouseMove := 1
filterKeyPress := 0
;~ global Monitor := AutoHotInterception_Init("InterceptionMonitor")
MonitorWrapper := new AutoHotInterception("Monitor")
global Monitor := MonitorWrapper.Instance
Monitor := MonitorWrapper.Instance
; Device List
DeviceList := MonitorWrapper.GetDeviceList()
start := 0
colWidth := 350
Gui, Add, Text, w%colWidth% Center Section, Keyboards
Loop 2 {
isMouse := A_Index - 1
Loop 10 {
i := start + A_Index
dev := DeviceList[i]
if (!IsObject(dev)){
Gui, Add, Checkbox, % "hwndhCb w" colWidth, % "ID: " ", VID: 0x" FormatHex(dev.VID) ", PID: 0x" FormatHex(dev.PID) "`nHandle: " StrReplace(dev.Handle, "&", "&&")
fn := Func("CheckboxChanged").Bind(
GuiControl, +g, % hCb, % fn
Loop 10 {
i := A_Index
dev := DeviceList[i]
if (!IsObject(dev)){
if (!IsMouse){
Gui, Add, Text, x+5 ym w%colWidth% Center Section, Mice
start := 10
Gui, Add, Checkbox, % "hwndhCb w" colWidth, % "ID: " ", VID: 0x" FormatHex(dev.VID) ", PID: 0x" FormatHex(dev.PID) "`nHandle: " StrReplace(dev.Handle, "&", "&&")
fn := Func("CheckboxChanged").Bind(
GuiControl, +g, % hCb, % fn
lowest := UpdateLowest(hCb)
Gui, Add, Text, x+5 ym w%colWidth% Center Section, Mice
Loop 10 {
i := A_Index + 10
dev := DeviceList[i]
if (!IsObject(dev)){
Gui, Add, Checkbox, % "hwndhCb w" colWidth, % "ID: " ", VID: 0x" FormatHex(dev.VID) ", PID: 0x" FormatHex(dev.PID) "`nHandle: " StrReplace(dev.Handle, "&", "&&")
fn := Func("CheckboxChanged").Bind(
GuiControl, +g, % hCb, % fn
lowest := UpdateLowest(hCb)
Gui, Add, CheckBox, w%colWidth% y+20 hwndhCbFilterMove Checked, Filter Movement (Warning: Turning off can cause crashes)
; Options
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "w" colWidth " x10 y" lowest + 20 " hwndhCbFilterPress", Only show key releases
fn := Func("FilterPress")
GuiControl, +g, % hCbFilterPress, % fn
Gui, Add, CheckBox, % "x+5 w" colWidth " y" lowest + 20 " hwndhCbFilterMove Checked", Filter Movement (Warning: Turning off can cause crashes)
fn := Func("FilterMove")
GuiControl, +g, % hCbFilterMove, % fn
Gui, Add, CheckBox, w%colWidth% x10 y52 hwndhCbFilterPress, Show Presses instead of ups and downs
fnn := Func("FilterPress")
GuiControl, +g, % hCbFilterPress, % fnn
Gui, Add, Button, xm w%colWidth% Center gClearKeyboard, Clear
Gui, Add, Button, x+5 yp w%colWidth% gClearMouse Center, Clear
; Output
Gui, Add, ListView, xm w%colWidth% h400 hwndhLvKeyboard, ID|Code|State|Key Name|Info
LV_ModifyCol(4, 100)
LV_ModifyCol(5, 150)
@ -59,7 +68,18 @@ Gui, Show
Monitor.Subscribe(Func("KeyboardEvent"), Func("MouseEvent"))
static lowest := 0
GuiControlGet, cp, pos, % hwnd
low := cpY + cpH
if (low > lowest){
lowest := low
return lowest
CheckboxChanged(id, hwnd){
global Monitor
GuiControlGet, state, , % hwnd
ret := Monitor.SetDeviceFilterState(id, state)
;~ ToolTip % "Changed " id " to " state ". Return value: " ret
