You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

75 lines
1.9 KiB

use std::num;
/// Convert bytes array to HEX format
pub fn to_hex(buf: &[u8]) -> String {
let mut result = String::new();
for x in buf.iter() {
result.push_str(&format!("{:01$X}", x, 2));
pub fn from_hex(string: &str) -> Result<Vec<u8>, num::ParseIntError> {
split_n(&string.trim()[..], 2)
.map(|b| u8::from_str_radix(b, 16))
pub fn check_domain(name: &str, allow_dots: bool) -> bool {
if name.starts_with('.') || name.starts_with('-') || name.ends_with('.') || name.ends_with('-') {
return false;
let mut last_dot = false;
let mut last_hyphen = false;
for char in name.chars() {
if allow_dots && char == '.' {
if last_dot {
return false;
} else {
last_dot = true;
if char == '-' {
if last_hyphen {
return false;
} else {
last_hyphen = true;
last_dot = false;
last_hyphen = false;
if !char.is_alphanumeric() {
return false;
fn split_n(s: &str, n: usize) -> Vec<&str> {
(0..=(s.len() - n + 1) / 2)
.map(|i| &s[2 * i..2 * i + n])
mod test {
use crate::check_domain;
fn test_check_domain() {
assert!(check_domain("abc0", false));
assert!(!check_domain("ab.c", false));
assert!(check_domain("a.b.c", true));
assert!(!check_domain("ab..c", true));
assert!(check_domain("a-b.c", true));
assert!(!check_domain("a--b.c", true));
assert!(check_domain("a-0-b.c", true));
assert!(!check_domain("-ab.c", true));
assert!(!check_domain("ab.c-", true));
assert!(!check_domain(".ab.c", true));
assert!(!check_domain("ab.c-", true));