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use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString};
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::sync::{Arc, mpsc, Mutex};
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use log::{error, info};
use windows_service::{define_windows_service, service::{
ServiceControl, ServiceExitCode, ServiceState, ServiceStatus, ServiceType,
}, service_control_handler::ServiceControlHandlerResult, service_dispatcher, Result, service_control_handler};
use windows_service::service::ServiceControlAccept;
use alfis::{Context, Settings};
use crate::start_services;
// Define the service entry point and its behavior
define_windows_service!(ffi_service_main, alfis_service_main);
pub const SERVICE_NAME: &str = "ALFIS";
pub const SERVICE_DESCRIPTION: &str = "Alternative Free Identity System, DNS on a smallest blockchain.";
lazy_static! {
// Sending parameters through static variables. Don't do this!
static ref SETTINGS: Mutex<(Option<Settings>, Option<Arc<Mutex<Context>>>)> = Mutex::new((None, None));
pub fn start_service(settings: Settings, context: Arc<Mutex<Context>>) -> Result<()> {
if let Ok(mut option) = SETTINGS.lock() {
let _ = option.0.insert(settings);
let _ = option.1.insert(context);
// Register the service entry point and control handler
service_dispatcher::start(SERVICE_NAME, ffi_service_main)
fn alfis_service_main(_arguments: Vec<OsString>) {
if let Err(e) = run_service_logic() {
error!("Error while starting service: {}", e);
fn run_service_logic() -> Result<()> {
let (shutdown_tx, shutdown_rx) = mpsc::channel();
let event_handler = move |control_event| -> ServiceControlHandlerResult {
info!("Event: {:?}", &control_event);
match control_event {
ServiceControl::Stop => {
// Handle stop event and return control back to the system.
// All services must accept Interrogate even if it's a no-op.
ServiceControl::Interrogate => ServiceControlHandlerResult::NoError,
_ => ServiceControlHandlerResult::NotImplemented,
// Register system service event handler
let status_handle = service_control_handler::register(SERVICE_NAME, event_handler)?;
let next_status = ServiceStatus {
// Should match the one from system service registry
service_type: ServiceType::OWN_PROCESS,
// The new state
current_state: ServiceState::Running,
// Accept stop events when running
controls_accepted: ServiceControlAccept::STOP,
// Used to report an error when starting or stopping only, otherwise must be zero
exit_code: ServiceExitCode::Win32(0),
// Only used for pending states, otherwise must be zero
checkpoint: 0,
// Only used for pending states, otherwise must be zero
wait_hint: Duration::default(),
// Unused for setting status
process_id: None,
// Tell the system that the service is running now
let (settings, context) = {
let mut lock = SETTINGS.lock().unwrap();
(lock.0.take().unwrap(), lock.1.take().unwrap())
let (_dns_server_ok, _miner, _network) = start_services(&settings, &context);
loop {
// Poll shutdown event.
match shutdown_rx.recv_timeout(Duration::from_secs(1)) {
// Break the loop either upon stop or channel disconnect
Ok(_) | Err(mpsc::RecvTimeoutError::Disconnected) => break,
// Continue work if no events were received within the timeout
Err(mpsc::RecvTimeoutError::Timeout) => (),
let next_status = ServiceStatus {
// Should match the one from system service registry
service_type: ServiceType::OWN_PROCESS,
// The new state
current_state: ServiceState::Stopped,
// Accept stop events when running
controls_accepted: ServiceControlAccept::empty(),
// Used to report an error when starting or stopping only, otherwise must be zero
exit_code: ServiceExitCode::Win32(0),
// Only used for pending states, otherwise must be zero
checkpoint: 0,
// Only used for pending states, otherwise must be zero
wait_hint: Duration::default(),
// Unused for setting status
process_id: None,
// Function to install a Windows service
pub fn install_service(service_name: &str, bin_path: &str) {
use windows_service::service_manager::*;
use windows_service::service::*;
let error = "Error creating service. Try to start with admin rights";
let manager_access = ServiceManagerAccess::CONNECT | ServiceManagerAccess::CREATE_SERVICE;
let manager = ServiceManager::local_computer(None::<&str>, manager_access).expect(error);
let my_service_info = ServiceInfo {
name: OsString::from(service_name),
display_name: OsString::from(service_name),
service_type: ServiceType::OWN_PROCESS,
start_type: ServiceStartType::AutoStart,
error_control: ServiceErrorControl::Normal,
executable_path: PathBuf::from(bin_path),
launch_arguments: vec![OsString::from("--service"), OsString::from("-l"), OsString::from("alfis_log.txt")],
dependencies: vec![],
account_name: None, // run as System
account_password: None,
let my_service = manager.create_service(&my_service_info, ServiceAccess::CHANGE_CONFIG | ServiceAccess::START).expect(error);
let _ = my_service.set_description(&OsStr::new(SERVICE_DESCRIPTION));
match my_service.start(&[OsStr::new("--service")]) {
Ok(_) => println!("Service successfully installed and started"),
Err(e) => println!("Error starting service: {}", e)
// Function to uninstall a Windows service
pub fn uninstall_service(service_name: &str) {
use windows_service::service_manager::*;
use windows_service::service::*;
let error = "Error creating service. Try to start with admin rights";
let manager = ServiceManager::local_computer(None::<&str>, ServiceManagerAccess::CONNECT).expect(error);
let service_access = ServiceAccess::QUERY_STATUS | ServiceAccess::STOP | ServiceAccess::DELETE;
match manager.open_service(&OsStr::new(service_name), service_access) {
Ok(service) => {
let _ = service.stop();
let _ = service.delete();
Err(e) => println!("Error opening service. Try running with admin rights: {}", e)