// With the default subsystem, 'console', windows creates an additional console window for the program. // This is silently ignored on non-windows systems. // See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/4cc7ya5b.aspx for more details. #![windows_subsystem = "windows"] use std::path::Path; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; use std::time::Duration; use std::{env, thread}; use getopts::{Matches, Options}; #[allow(unused_imports)] use log::{debug, error, info, trace, warn, LevelFilter}; use simplelog::{ColorChoice, CombinedLogger, ConfigBuilder, format_description, LevelPadding, TerminalMode, TermLogger, WriteLogger}; #[cfg(windows)] use winapi::um::wincon::{AttachConsole, FreeConsole, ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS}; extern crate lazy_static; use std::fs::{File, OpenOptions}; use std::io::{Seek, SeekFrom, Write}; use std::process::exit; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; use alfis::event::Event; use alfis::eventbus::{post, register}; use alfis::keystore::create_key; use alfis::{dns_utils, Block, Bytes, Chain, Context, Keystore, Miner, Network, Settings, Transaction, ALFIS_DEBUG, ALFIS_TRACE, DB_NAME, ORIGIN_DIFFICULTY}; #[cfg(feature = "webgui")] mod web_ui; const SETTINGS_FILENAME: &str = "alfis.toml"; const LOG_TARGET_MAIN: &str = "alfis::Main"; fn main() { #[allow(unused_assignments, unused_mut)] let mut console_attached = true; // When linked with the windows subsystem windows won't automatically attach // to the console of the parent process, so we do it explicitly. This fails silently if the parent has no console. #[cfg(windows)] unsafe { console_attached = AttachConsole(ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS) != 0; #[cfg(feature = "webgui")] winapi::um::shellscalingapi::SetProcessDpiAwareness(2); } let args: Vec = env::args().collect(); let program = args[0].clone(); let mut opts = Options::new(); opts.optflag("h", "help", "Print this help menu"); opts.optflag("n", "nogui", "Run without graphic user interface (default for no gui builds)"); opts.optflag("v", "version", "Print version and exit"); opts.optflag("d", "debug", "Show debug messages, more than usual"); opts.optflag("t", "trace", "Show trace messages, more than debug"); opts.optflag("b", "blocks", "List blocks from DB and exit"); opts.optflag("g", "generate", "Generate new config file. Generated config will be printed to console."); opts.optopt("k", "gen-key", "Generate new keys and save them to file.", "FILE"); opts.optopt("l", "log", "Write log to file", "FILE"); opts.optopt("s", "status", "Write status to file", "FILE"); opts.optopt("c", "config", "Path to config file", "FILE"); opts.optopt("w", "work-dir", "Path to working directory", "DIRECTORY"); opts.optopt("u", "upgrade", "Path to config file that you want to upgrade. Upgraded config will be printed to console.", "FILE"); let opt_matches = match opts.parse(&args[1..]) { Ok(m) => m, Err(f) => panic!("{}", f.to_string()) }; if opt_matches.opt_present("h") { let brief = format!("Usage: {} [options]", program); println!("{}", opts.usage(&brief)); exit(0); } if opt_matches.opt_present("v") { println!("ALFIS v{}", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")); exit(0); } if opt_matches.opt_present("g") { println!("{}", include_str!("../alfis.toml")); exit(0); } match opt_matches.opt_str("u") { None => {} Some(path) => { if let Some(settings) = Settings::load(&path) { let string = toml::to_string(&settings).unwrap(); println!("{}", &string); } else { println!("Error loading config for upgrade!"); } return; } }; #[cfg(feature = "webgui")] let no_gui = opt_matches.opt_present("n"); #[cfg(not(feature = "webgui"))] let no_gui = true; if let Some(path) = opt_matches.opt_str("w") { env::set_current_dir(Path::new(&path)).unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Unable to change working directory to '{}'", &path)); } let config_name = match opt_matches.opt_str("c") { None => SETTINGS_FILENAME.to_owned(), Some(path) => path }; setup_logger(&opt_matches, console_attached); if let Some(status) = opt_matches.opt_str("s") { register(move |_, event| { // TODO optimize for same data if let Event::NetworkStatus { blocks, domains, keys, nodes } = event { match File::create(Path::new(&status)) { Ok(mut f) => { let data = format!("{{ \"blocks\":{}, \"domains\":{}, \"keys\":{}, \"nodes\":{} }}", blocks, domains, keys, nodes); f.write_all(data.as_bytes()).expect("Error writing status file!"); let _ = f.flush(); } Err(_) => { error!("Error writing status file!"); } } } true }); } info!(target: LOG_TARGET_MAIN, "Starting ALFIS {}", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")); let settings = Settings::load(&config_name).unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Cannot load settings from {}!", &config_name)); debug!(target: LOG_TARGET_MAIN, "Loaded settings: {:?}", &settings); let chain: Chain = Chain::new(&settings, DB_NAME); if opt_matches.opt_present("b") { for i in 1..(chain.get_height() + 1) { if let Some(block) = chain.get_block(i) { info!(target: LOG_TARGET_MAIN, "{:?}", &block); } } return; } info!("Blocks count: {}, domains count: {}, users count: {}", chain.get_height(), chain.get_domains_count(), chain.get_users_count()); let settings_copy = settings.clone(); let mut keys = Vec::new(); if !settings.key_files.is_empty() { for name in &settings.key_files { match Keystore::from_file(name, "") { None => { warn!("Error loading keyfile from {}", name); } Some(keystore) => { info!("Successfully loaded keyfile {}", name); keys.push(keystore); } } } } let context = Context::new(env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION").to_owned(), settings, keys, chain); let context: Arc> = Arc::new(Mutex::new(context)); // If we just need to generate keys if let Some(filename) = opt_matches.opt_str("k") { info!(target: LOG_TARGET_MAIN, "Generating keys..."); let mining = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(true)); let mining_copy = Arc::clone(&mining); let context_copy = Arc::clone(&context); // Register key-mined event listener register(move |_uuid, e| { if matches!(e, Event::KeyCreated { .. }) { let context_copy = Arc::clone(&context_copy); let mining_copy = Arc::clone(&mining_copy); let filename = filename.clone(); thread::spawn(move || { if let Some(keystore) = context_copy.lock().unwrap().get_keystore_mut() { keystore.save(&filename, ""); mining_copy.store(false, Ordering::Relaxed); } }); false } else { true } }); // Start key mining create_key(context); let delay = Duration::from_secs(1); while mining.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { thread::sleep(delay); } exit(0); } if let Ok(mut context) = context.lock() { context.chain.check_chain(settings_copy.check_blocks); match context.chain.get_block(1) { None => { info!(target: LOG_TARGET_MAIN, "No blocks found in DB"); } Some(block) => { trace!(target: LOG_TARGET_MAIN, "Loaded DB with origin {:?}", &block.hash); } } } let dns_server_ok = if settings_copy.dns.threads > 0 { dns_utils::start_dns_server(&context, &settings_copy) } else { true }; let mut miner_obj = Miner::new(Arc::clone(&context)); miner_obj.start_mining_thread(); let miner: Arc> = Arc::new(Mutex::new(miner_obj)); let mut network = Network::new(Arc::clone(&context)); let network = thread::Builder::new().name(String::from("Network")).spawn(move || { // Give UI some time to appear :) thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(1000)); network.start(); }).expect("Could not start network thread!"); create_genesis_if_needed(&context, &miner); if no_gui { print_my_domains(&context); let _ = network.join(); } else { if !dns_server_ok { thread::spawn(|| { thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(500)); post(Event::Error { text: String::from("Error starting DNS-server. Please, check that it’s port is not busy.") }); }); } #[cfg(feature = "webgui")] web_ui::run_interface(Arc::clone(&context), miner); } // Without explicitly detaching the console cmd won't redraw it's prompt. #[cfg(windows)] unsafe { FreeConsole(); } } /// Sets up logger in accordance with command line options fn setup_logger(opt_matches: &Matches, console_attached: bool) { let mut level = LevelFilter::Info; if opt_matches.opt_present("d") || env::var(ALFIS_DEBUG).is_ok() { level = LevelFilter::Debug; } if opt_matches.opt_present("t") || env::var(ALFIS_TRACE).is_ok() { level = LevelFilter::Trace; } let mut builder = ConfigBuilder::new(); builder.add_filter_ignore_str("mio::poll") .add_filter_ignore_str("rustls::client") .add_filter_ignore_str("ureq::") .set_thread_level(LevelFilter::Error) .set_location_level(LevelFilter::Off) .set_target_level(LevelFilter::Error) .set_level_padding(LevelPadding::Right) .set_time_level(LevelFilter::Error) .set_time_format_custom(format_description!("[hour]:[minute]:[second].[subsecond digits:3]")); let config = match builder.set_time_offset_to_local() { Ok(config) => config, Err(config) => config }; let config = config.build(); match opt_matches.opt_str("l") { None => { if console_attached { if let Err(e) = TermLogger::init(level, config, TerminalMode::Stdout, ColorChoice::Auto) { println!("Unable to initialize logger!\n{}", e); } } } Some(path) => { let file = match OpenOptions::new().write(true).create(true).open(&path) { Ok(mut file) => { file.seek(SeekFrom::End(0)).unwrap(); file } Err(e) => { println!("Could not open log file '{}' for writing!\n{}", &path, e); exit(1); } }; if console_attached { CombinedLogger::init(vec![ TermLogger::new(level, config.clone(), TerminalMode::Stdout, ColorChoice::Auto), WriteLogger::new(level, config, file), ]) .unwrap(); } else if let Err(e) = WriteLogger::init(level, config, file) { println!("Unable to initialize logger!\n{}", e); } } } } /// Gets own domains by current loaded keystore and writes them to log fn print_my_domains(context: &Arc>) { let context = context.lock().unwrap(); let domains = context.chain.get_my_domains(context.get_keystore()); debug!("Domains: {:?}", &domains); } /// Creates genesis (origin) block if `origin` is empty in config and we don't have any blocks in DB fn create_genesis_if_needed(context: &Arc>, miner: &Arc>) { // If there is no origin in settings and no blockchain in DB, generate genesis block let context = context.lock().unwrap(); let last_block = context.get_chain().last_block(); let origin = context.settings.origin.clone(); if origin.is_empty() && last_block.is_none() { if let Some(keystore) = context.get_keystore() { // If blockchain is empty, we are going to mine a Genesis block let transaction = Transaction::origin(Chain::get_zones_hash(), keystore.get_public(), keystore.get_encryption_public()); let block = Block::new(Some(transaction), keystore.get_public(), Bytes::default(), ORIGIN_DIFFICULTY); miner.lock().unwrap().add_block(block, keystore.clone()); } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use alfis::dns::protocol::{DnsRecord, TransientTtl}; #[test] fn record_to_string() { let record = DnsRecord::A { domain: "google.com".to_string(), addr: "".parse().unwrap(), ttl: TransientTtl(300) }; println!("Record is {:?}", &record); println!("Record in JSON is {}", serde_json::to_string(&record).unwrap()); } }