use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicU32, Ordering}; use std::sync::{Arc, Condvar, Mutex}; use std::thread; use std::thread::sleep; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; use blakeout::Blakeout; use chrono::Utc; #[allow(unused_imports)] use log::{debug, error, info, trace, warn}; use num_cpus; use crate::blockchain::hash_utils::*; use crate::blockchain::types::BlockQuality; use crate::commons::*; use crate::event::Event; use crate::eventbus::{post, register}; use crate::keystore::check_public_key_strength; use crate::{setup_miner_thread, Block, Bytes, Context, Keystore}; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct MineJob { start: i64, block: Block, keystore: Keystore } impl MineJob { fn is_full(&self) -> bool { self.block.transaction.is_some() } fn is_signing(&self) -> bool { self.block.transaction.is_none() } fn is_due(&self) -> bool { self.start == 0 || self.start < Utc::now().timestamp() } } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct MinerState { pub mining: bool, pub full: bool } pub struct Miner { context: Arc>, jobs: Arc>>, running: Arc, mining: Arc, cond_var: Arc } impl Miner { pub fn new(context: Arc>) -> Self { Miner { context, jobs: Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::new())), running: Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)), mining: Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)), cond_var: Arc::new(Condvar::new()) } } pub fn add_block(&mut self, block: Block, keystore: Keystore) { { let mut jobs =; if block.transaction.is_none() { jobs.retain(|job| job.block.transaction.is_some()); } jobs.push(MineJob { start: 0, block, keystore }); } self.cond_var.notify_one(); } pub fn stop(&mut self) {, Ordering::SeqCst);, Ordering::SeqCst); self.cond_var.notify_all(); } pub fn start_mining_thread(&mut self) { let context = Arc::clone(&self.context); let jobs =; let running = self.running.clone(); let mining = self.mining.clone(); let cond_var = self.cond_var.clone(); thread::spawn(move || { Miner::run_main_loop(&context, jobs, running, mining, cond_var); }); // Add events listener to a [Bus] let running = self.running.clone(); let mining = self.mining.clone(); register(move |_uuid, e| { match e { Event::ActionQuit => {, Ordering::Relaxed); } Event::NewBlockReceived => {} Event::BlockchainChanged { .. } => {} Event::ActionStopMining => {, Ordering::SeqCst); } _ => {} } true }); } fn run_main_loop(context: &Arc>, jobs: Arc>>, running: Arc, mining: Arc, cond_var: Arc) {, Ordering::SeqCst); let delay = Duration::from_secs(30); let mut current_job: Option = None; while running.load(Ordering::SeqCst) { if let Some(ref cur_job) = current_job { // If we are mining signing block if mining.load(Ordering::Relaxed) && cur_job.is_signing() { sleep(delay); continue; } // If we are mining something ours if mining.load(Ordering::Relaxed) && cur_job.is_full() { let mut signing_waits = false; let mut jobs = jobs.lock().unwrap(); if jobs.len() > 0 { debug!("Got new job to mine"); let job = jobs.remove(0); // If we have some signing job if job.is_signing() && job.is_due() { info!("Replacing current mining job with signing job!"); // We cancel current job, waiting for threads to finish, Ordering::SeqCst); sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)); // Return current job to queue jobs.insert(0, current_job.take().unwrap());, Ordering::SeqCst); current_job = Some(job.clone()); Miner::mine_internal(Arc::clone(context), job, mining.clone()); continue; } else { debug!("This job will wait for now"); signing_waits = job.is_signing(); jobs.insert(0, job); } } if !signing_waits { if let Ok(context) = context.lock() { let keystores = context.get_keystores(); // Ask the blockchain if we have to sign something if let Some((block, keystore)) = context.chain.get_sign_block(keystores) { info!("Got signing job, adding to queue"); // We start mining sign block after some time, not everyone in the same time let start = Utc::now().timestamp() + (rand::random::() % BLOCK_SIGNERS_START_RANDOM); jobs.push(MineJob { start, block, keystore }); } } } let _lock = cond_var.wait_timeout(jobs, delay).expect("Error in wait lock!"); } } else { let mut jobs = jobs.lock().unwrap(); if jobs.len() > 0 { debug!("Got new job to mine"); let job = jobs.remove(0); if job.is_due() {, Ordering::SeqCst); current_job = Some(job.clone()); Miner::mine_internal(Arc::clone(context), job, mining.clone()); } else { debug!("This job will wait for now"); jobs.insert(0, job); } } else { // If our queue is empty if let Ok(context) = context.lock() { let keystores = context.get_keystores(); // Ask the blockchain if we have to sign something if let Some((block, keystore)) = context.chain.get_sign_block(keystores) { info!("Got signing job, adding to queue"); // We start mining sign block after some time, not everyone in the same time let start = Utc::now().timestamp() + (rand::random::() % BLOCK_SIGNERS_START_RANDOM); jobs.push(MineJob { start, block, keystore }); } } } let _lock = cond_var.wait_timeout(jobs, delay).expect("Error in wait lock!"); } if !mining.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { current_job = None; } } info!("Stopped mining queue thread"); } pub fn is_mining(&self) -> bool { self.running.load(Ordering::Relaxed) } fn mine_internal(context: Arc>, mut job: MineJob, mining: Arc) { // Clear signature and hash just in case job.block.signature = Bytes::default(); job.block.hash = Bytes::default(); job.block.version = CHAIN_VERSION; // If this block needs to be a signer if job.block.index > 0 && !job.block.prev_block_hash.is_empty() { info!("Mining signing block"); job.block.pub_key = job.keystore.get_public(); if !check_public_key_strength(&job.block.pub_key, KEYSTORE_DIFFICULTY) { warn!("Can not mine block with weak public key!"); post(Event::MinerStopped { success: false, full: false });, Ordering::SeqCst); return; } let new_block = context.lock().unwrap().chain.update_sign_block_for_mining(job.block); match new_block { None => { warn!("We missed block to lock"); post(Event::MinerStopped { success: false, full: false });, Ordering::SeqCst); return; } Some(block) => { job.block = block; } } } else { job.block.index = context.lock().unwrap().chain.get_height() + 1; job.block.prev_block_hash = match context.lock().unwrap().chain.last_block() { None => Bytes::default(), Some(block) => block.hash }; } let (lower, threads) = { post(Event::MinerStarted); let mut context = context.lock().unwrap(); context.miner_state.mining = true; context.miner_state.full = job.block.transaction.is_some(); (context.settings.mining.lower, context.settings.mining.threads) }; let cpus = num_cpus::get(); let threads = match threads { 0 => cpus, _ => threads } as u32; debug!("Starting {} threads for mining", threads); debug!("Mining block {}", serde_json::to_string(&job.block).unwrap()); let thread_spawn_interval = Duration::from_millis(100); let live_threads = Arc::new(AtomicU32::new(0u32)); for cpu in 0..threads { let context = Arc::clone(&context); let job = job.clone(); let mining = Arc::clone(&mining); let live_threads = Arc::clone(&live_threads); thread::spawn(move || { live_threads.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst); if lower { setup_miner_thread(cpu); } let full = job.block.transaction.is_some(); match find_hash(Arc::clone(&context), job.block, Arc::clone(&mining), cpu) { None => { if live_threads.load(Ordering::Relaxed) >= threads { debug!("Mining was cancelled"); } let count = live_threads.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::SeqCst); // If this is the last thread, but mining was not stopped by another thread if count == 1 { if let Ok(mut context) = context.lock() { context.miner_state.mining = false; } post(Event::MinerStopped { success: false, full }); } } Some(mut block) => { let index = block.index; let mut context = context.lock().unwrap(); block.signature = Bytes::from_bytes(&job.keystore.sign(&block.as_bytes_compact())); let mut success = false; if context.chain.check_new_block(&block) != BlockQuality::Good { warn!("Error adding mined block!"); if index == 0 { error!("To mine genesis block you need to make 'origin' an empty string in config."); } } else { info!("Mined good block!"); if block.index == 1 { context.settings.origin = block.hash.to_string(); } context.chain.add_block(block); success = true; } context.miner_state.mining = false; post(Event::MinerStopped { success, full });, Ordering::SeqCst); } } }); thread::sleep(thread_spawn_interval); } } } fn find_hash(context: Arc>, mut block: Block, running: Arc, thread: u32) -> Option { let target_diff = block.difficulty; let full = block.transaction.is_some(); let mut digest = Blakeout::new(); let mut max_diff = 0; loop { block.random = rand::random(); block.timestamp = Utc::now().timestamp(); let waiting_signers = { let context = context.lock().unwrap(); if let Some(b) = context.chain.last_block() { block.prev_block_hash = b.hash; block.index = b.index + 1; } context.chain.is_waiting_signers() }; if !running.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { return None; } if full && waiting_signers { //trace!("Mining full block is not allowed until previous is not signed"); // We can't mine now, as we need to wait for block to be signed thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(5000)); continue; } let mut time = Instant::now(); let mut prev_nonce = 0; for nonce in 0..u64::MAX { if !running.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { return None; } block.nonce = nonce; digest.reset(); digest.update(&block.as_bytes_compact()); let diff = hash_difficulty(digest.result()); if diff >= target_diff { block.hash = Bytes::from_bytes(digest.result()); return Some(block); } if diff > max_diff { max_diff = diff; } let elapsed = time.elapsed().as_millis(); if elapsed >= 1000 { block.timestamp = Utc::now().timestamp(); if elapsed > 10000 { let speed = (nonce - prev_nonce) / (elapsed as u64 / 1000); //debug!("Mining speed {} H/s, max difficulty {}", speed, max_diff); post(Event::MinerStats { thread, speed, max_diff, target_diff }); time = Instant::now(); prev_nonce = nonce; } if block.index > 1 { if let Ok(context) = context.try_lock() { if context.chain.get_height() >= block.index { if !full { //trace!("Blockchain changed while mining signing block, dropping work");, Ordering::SeqCst); return None; } break; } } } } } } }