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Software-based "jailbreak" allowing all ivybridge-based xx30 thinkpads to softmod custom bios images. This repo contains the main script and pre-compiled binary files used in the 1vyrain image to flash machines. The main link to the ready to go live USB image can be found [here](https://n4ru.it/1vyrain/). If you need to downgrade your ThinkPad to a compatible BIOS version, check out [IVprep](https://github.com/n4ru/IVprep). Updates will be published here in the form of scripts that can be downloaded and ran on the USB image. # Features: - Automatic exploit chain unlocking bios region for flashing - Model detection and automatic bios flashing - Support for custom bios images (coreboot, skulls, heads) # BIOS Mod Features: - Overclocking support (37xx, 38xx, 39xx CPUs) - Whitelist removal to use any WLAN adapter - Advanced menu (custom fan curve, TDP, core disable, etc) - Intel ME disablement via advanced menu This was a monumental amount of work to put together and release, and took a lot of time. Special thanks goes to the r/ThinkPad discord for their efforts testing, especially \x! Somehow we had ZERO bricks throughout the entire process! No hardware programmers were needed for recovery! Please consider donating or passing my resume along. Tip me: - BTC 3H8kRYoiwS5hNjZddTr5NLYJ77ZwHBpyKp - ETH 0xB4683485899A654F9DE413FCfDA6ac39d1eB383E - [PayPal.me](https://paypal.me/customthinkpads) Hire me: - [Resume](https://n4ru.it/resume.pdf) - [Github](https://github.com/n4ru) - [Email](mailto:admin@n4ru.it)