# Shelf Project An online storefront to showcase products. Users is able to browse an index of all products, see the specifics of a single product, and add products to an order that they can view in a cart page. # Pre-requisite - Add a `.env` file in /Shelf folder with the following : ``` POSTGRES_HOST= POSTGRES_DB=shelf POSTGRES_TEST_DB="shelf_test" POSTGRES_USER=postgres POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres ENV=dev BCRYPT_PASSWORD=speak-friend-and-enter SALT_ROUNDS=10 TOKEN_SECRET=alohomora123! TOKEN_SECRET_TEST=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VyIjp7ImlkIjoxLCJmaXJzdG5hbWUiOiJKb2huIiwibGFzdG5hbWUiOiJEb2UiLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6InRlc3QiLCJwYXNzd29yZF9kaWdlc3QiOiIkMmIkMTAkeXNkTHQuUjVqdjFJdHVzTk5NMGJNLlU0RkZvbmJRYUV2VFBsVnFhQWJqSkV3NTdzTEZwVGEifSwiaWF0IjoxNjUzMjUzODIxfQ.rdC42gcdhzAwnwwVJxmhBLVK5tvf2zONG3UcHLU6xE0` ``` - Inside shelf folder mount the container: `docker compose up` - Create shelf_test database with the following commands: `docker exec -it shelf-postgres-1 /bin/bash` `psql -U postgres` `CREATE DATABASE shelf_test` # Installation - Install packages dependencies: `npm install` - Run tests: `npm run test` - Run the database: `npm run up` - Launch the application: `npm run start`, you can acces the application with this link [link]( Note : If needed you can reset the tables by closing the app and running the following commands: - `npm run down` - `npm run up` # Availaible endpoints - Products : | HTTP Verb | Endpoint | CRUD | |:--------------:|:--------------------|:-----------------| | Get | `/products` | Index | | Get | `/products/:id` | Read | | Post | `/products` | Create ( Token ) | | Put | `/products/:id` | Update ( Token ) | | Delete | `/products/:id` | Delete ( Token ) | - Users : | HTTP Verb | Endpoint | CRUD | |:--------------:|:--------------------|:-----------------------| | Get | `/users`, | Index ( Token ) | | Get | `/users/:id` | Read ( Token ) | | Post | `/users` | Create | | Put | `/users/auth` | Authenticate ( Token ) | | Put | `/users/:id` | Update ( Token ) | | Delete | `/users/:id` | Delete ( Token ) | - Orders | HTTP Verb | Endpoint | CRUD | |:--------------:|:-----------------------|:-----------------| | Get | `/orders`, | Index ( Token ) | | Get | `/orders/:id` | Read | | Post | `/orders` | Create | | Post | `/orders/:id/products` | Create ( Token ) | | Delete | `/orders/:id/products` | Delete ( Token ) | # Data shapes - Products : | Column | Type | |:-------------:|:------------------------------------------| | id | SERIAL PRIMARY KEY | | name | VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL | | price | INTEGER NOT NULL | - Users : | Column | Type | |:-------------:|:------------------------------------------| | id | SERIAL PRIMARY KEY | | firstName | VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL | | lastName | VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL | | username | VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL | | password | VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL | - Orders : | Column | Type | |:-------------:|:------------------------------------------| | id | SERIAL PRIMARY KEY | | status | VARCHAR(15) | | user_id | INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES users(id) | - Orders Products : | Column | Type | |:-------------:|:------------------------------------------| | id | SERIAL PRIMARY KEY | | quantity | INTEGER NOT NULL, | | order_id | INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES orders(id) | | product_id | INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES products(id) | # Built with - Typescript - Node - Express - Dotenv - Docker - Postgres - Db-migrate - Jsonwebtoken - Jasmine - Supertest # Author Anis Benziane.